3 Simple Tips for Subscription Billing

August 17, 2016 · 2 min read

3 Simple Tips for Subscription Billing

Billing errors can create significant headaches for businesses, forcing you to spend time chasing down customers who haven’t paid enough or apologizing to those you’ve overcharged. Making sure these three areas are covered will save you time (and money!), allowing you to focus more on your data to make smart decisions for your business.

Set Up a Billing Cycle

Whether you bill your customers weekly, monthly or even yearly, automated subscription billing can help you handle the process as efficiently as possible. Once you decide on the lengths of your billing cycles, you can set up a subscription billing automation system that sends out bills at regular periods without requiring any human input. Recurring payment software can automatically generate accurate bills and send them to customers, which reduces the chance of manual errors such as sending out a bill for the wrong amount or, worse, failing to send a bill at all.

Simplify Your Invoices

Generate simple, clear invoices for your customers. Invoices that are difficult for customers and employees to understand can increase the risk of billing errors going unnoticed, which could result in money lost for your company or anger in your customers when they realize they have been paying inaccurate bills.

Keep Customers Happy

By offering a seamless billing experience to customers, you can encourage them to stay loyal to your brand. Attracting a new customer can cost as much as five times more than retaining a current one, so it’s vital to focus on keeping your current customer base happy. You can go above and beyond automating rebills and simplifying your invoices by rewarding long-time customers or updating your product to reflect their feedback.

If your business isn’t already using a subscription billing service, you could be losing out on vital revenue. Not sure where to start when it comes to finding a subscription billing company that fits your needs? Download our free Six Must-Haves guide, which covers the features you need in a subscription billing service, why you need them, and comes with a bonus feature checklist:

Six Must-Haves

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