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Use logs to view detailed information on API and webhook transactions.

By default, log data is organized into four segments:

  • API crashes: Contains logs on API crashes (status greater or equal to 500).
  • API errors: Contains logs on API errors (status is between 409, 499).
  • API logs: Contains logs unfiltered API logs.
  • Tax logs: Contains unfiltered tax logs.
  • Webhook logs: Contains unfiltered webhook logs.

To add or manage segments, or to apply or edit filters on a segment, see Segments.

View logs information

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Data tables, click Logs, then click: API crashes, API errors, API logs, or Webhook logs.
  2. Click on a log item in the table. Detailed log information is displayed.

Filter logs

This section describes how to filter logs based on related IDs.

Use this process to find webhook logs related to particular customers, transactions, or invoices.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Data tables, click Logs, then click Webhook logs.
  2. In the top right of the table, click Filters .
  3. In the Filter dropdown, select Entity ID
  4. In the Operation dropdown, select a condition.
  5. In the Value field, enter ID values.
    Optionally, to compare against lists of data values, create a value list and use it in this filter. For more information, see Value lists.
  6. In the dropdown or text field, enter or select values.
  7. Click Apply filter.
  8. Optionally, to save the filtered data to the active segment, click Save.
  9. Optionally, to create a new segment based on the filtered data, click Save segment as, enter a name for the new segment, and then click Save.

Use this process to find API logs related to particular customers, transactions, or invoices.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Data tables, click Logs, then select API crashes, API Errors, or API logs.
  2. In the top right of the table, click Filters .
  3. In the Filter dropdown, select: Related IDs Customer ID, Related IDs token ID, or Related IDs transaction ID.
  4. In the Operation dropdown, select a condition.
  5. In the Values field, enter ID values.
    Optionally, to compare against lists of data values, create a value list and use it in this filter. For more information, see Value lists.
  6. In the dropdown or text field, enter or select values.
  7. Click Apply filter.
  8. Optionally, to save the filtered data to the active segment, click Save.
  9. Optionally, to create a new segment based on the filtered data, click Save segment as, enter a name for the new segment, and then click Save.

Use this process to find tax logs related to particular invoices, or credit memos.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Data tables, click Logs, then click Tax logs.
  2. In the top right of the table, click Filters .
  3. In the Filter dropdown, select Entity ID
  4. In the Operation dropdown, select a condition.
  5. In the Value field, enter ID values.
    Optionally, to compare against lists of data values, create a value list and use it in this filter. For more information, see Value lists.
  6. In the dropdown or text field, enter or select values.
  7. Click Apply filter.
  8. Optionally, to save the filtered data to the active segment, click Save.
  9. Optionally, to create a new segment based on the filtered data, click Save segment as, enter a name for the new segment, and then click Save.