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Billing portals

Use Billing portals to create secure, Rebilly hosted pages, where customers can: view invoices, cancel subscriptions, update payment instruments, and update their address.

Billing portal example

Create a billing portal

Use this process to create a billing portal.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Settings .
  2. In the Configuration section, click Billing portals.
  3. Click Create billing portal.
  4. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for your billing portal.
  5. In the Website field, select the website where the billing portal will be displayed. If you have not configured a website, see Organizations & websites.
  6. Optionally, to select a custom domain for the billing portal, in the Custom domain field, select a custom domain. If you have not configured a custom domain, see Configure a custom domain.
  7. In the Slug field, enter a unique, human-readable string for the end of your billing portal URL.
  8. In the Features section, select the Orders and Payment instruments features that you want to enable for your customers.
  9. In the Customization section, add a logo and select colors to use in your portal.
  10. In the Footer links section, optionally add your: privacy policy, terms of service, and refund policy URLs to display in the footer.
  11. Click Save billing portal.

Rebilly supports the use of custom domains in hosted checkout forms, billing portals, quotes, deposit requests and payouts. Instead of using the default Rebilly domain:, you can use your own. For more information, see Configure a custom domain.

Manage billing portals

Use this process to view, edit, copy, preview, and delete billing portals.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Settings .
  2. In the Configuration section, click Billing portals.
  3. Select from the following:
    • Clone a billing portal: On the right of a portal, click Clone .
    • Copy a billing portal URL: On the right of a portal, click Copy URL.
    • Edit a billing portal: On the right of a portal, click Edit .
    • Delete a billing portal: On the right of a portal, click Delete .
    • Preview a billing portal: On the right of a portal, click Copy URL, then open the URL in a browser.

Filter billing portals

Use this process to filter billing portals in the Billing portals page.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Settings .
  2. In the Configuration section, click Billing portals.
  3. In the top right of the billing portals table, click Filters .
  4. In the Filter dropdown, select a filter.
  5. In the Operation dropdown, select a condition.
  6. In the Filter field, enter or select values.
  7. Click Apply filter.

Generate and share a billing portal URL

Use this process to generate a billing portal URL that will be shared with a customer. The customer can use this URL to put a new card on file, or update their address in advance of a renewal.

This process is commonly used by Customer Support Representatives. The unique link can be used in customer emails or live chat.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Data tables, and click Customers.
  2. In the list of customers, select the customer that you want to share the billing portal link with.
  3. In the top right of the screen, click , then click Billing portal.
  4. Copy the URL and share it with the customer.