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AML settings

This topic describes how to configure Anti-Money Laundering (AML) settings. An AML check is an automated process that scans customer information against Rebilly AML sources as each new customer or lead is added, or when their information is changed. For more information, see AML.

This feature is available for the Rebilly AML product only. To activate AML, contact Rebilly.

Configure AML confidence level settings

Use this process to configure the AML confidence level settings for customer AML match scenarios. For each scenario, set the degree of confidence to assign when a matching country, mismatching country, or no country is detected.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Settings .

  2. In the KYC & AML section, click AML, then click Confidence level settings.

    Define confidence level settings for when date of birth is provided.

    In the DOB section, set the degree of confidence for matches when a date of birth is provided.

    1. In the Exact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name match an AML record exactly:
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    2. In the Inexact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name inexactly match, including a tolerance of up to two typos:
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    Define confidence level settings for when no date of birth is provided.

    In the No DOB section, set the degree of confidence for when no date of birth is provided.

    1. In the Exact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name match an AML record exactly:
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    2. In the Inexact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name inexactly match, including a tolerance of up to two typos.
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    3. In the Weak match section, set confidence levels for the following when exact and inexact matches are not found:

    This is a fallback match if all other criteria have failed the name match.

    • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
    • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
    • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    Define confidence level settings for when year of birth is provided.

    In the YOB section, set the degree of confidence for when the customer's Year Of Birth (YOB) is provided.

    1. In the Exact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name match an AML record exactly:
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    2. In the Inexact match section, set confidence levels for when the customer's first and last name inexactly match, including a tolerance of up to two typos.
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    Define confidence level settings for when an inexact year of birth is provided.

    In the Inexact YOB section, set the degree of confidence for the following when an inexact Year Of Birth (YOB), that is within two years, is provided.

    1. In the Exact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name match an AML record exactly:
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
    2. In the Inexact match section, set confidence levels for the following when the customer's first and last name inexactly match, including a tolerance of up to two typos.
      • Address match: The customer's address matches an AML record exactly by city and region, city and missing region, or region only.
      • Address mismatch: The customer's city and region do not match the AML record exactly.
      • No address: The customer's address is not provided.
  3. When you finish setting confidence levels, click Update.

Configure AML match priority settings

Use this process to configure match priority levels settings for AML sources. For each source, set the priority level for when very strong, strong, medium, and weak matches of customer information are found.

During an AML check, customer associated hits are determined based on the highest priority. This priority determines which hit is more important, and must be added to the AML check record. For example, a Politically-Exposed Persons (PEPs) check has 2 hits. One hit is a P2 match, and the other hit is a P1 match. The P1 hit is added to the AML check record, because it has the highest priority. For more information, see AML sources.

  1. In the left navigation bar, click Settings .
  2. In the KYC & AML section, click AML, then click Match priority settings.
  3. For each AML source, set the level of priority to assign matches in the Very strong, Strong, and Medium, and Weak dropdowns based on the following options:
    • P0: Critical level of priority.
    • P1: High level of priority.
    • P2: Medium level of priority.
    • P3: Low level of priority.
    • Ignore: Ignore this match and do not assign a priority level.
  4. When you finish setting priority levels, click Update.