Rebilly news, features, and updates for April 2023

April 28, 2023 · 2 min read

Rebilly news, features, and updates for April 2023

Hello, and welcome to the April edition of the Rebilly news, features, and updates blog.

New features

This month, we added the following new features.

Improved settings configuration flow for application developers

You can now build and customize your own installation settings configuration form. When users install your application in Rebilly, the settings configuration form is displayed, and guides them through the configuration before the installation begins. For more information, see Build UI settings form.


We added the quotes feature and resource. You can now provide quotes to prospective customers. A quote is a pricing estimate for requested goods or services and can help facilitate negotiation before creating an order. Customers can approve or reject a quote. If approved, a new order is created automatically based on the quote. A quote has an expiration date. You can also recall or cancel an issued quote. For more information, see Create a quote, Manage a quote, and the quotes API operations.

User Interface (UI) text updates

We are still refining the text in the Rebilly product UI. We strive to create the best possible experience when using our product, and the UI text is a huge part of this. To check out our progress, Sign in to Rebilly.

New payment gateway integrations

Integration requests

Rebilly supports more than 199+ payment gateways and supports 167+ payment methods including ACH, PayPal, and Bitcoin. If you would like to add a payment integration that’s not in our list, complete the request a new payment gateway integration process.

If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!

For more release information, see Release notes.

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