Core APIs (latest)


The Rebilly API is built on HTTP and is RESTful. It has predictable resource URLs and returns HTTP response codes to indicate errors. It also accepts and returns JSON in the HTTP body. Use your favorite HTTP/REST library in your programming language when using this API, or use one of the Rebilly SDKs, which are available in PHP and JavaScript.

Every action in the Rebilly UI is supported by an API which is documented and available for use, so that you may automate any necessary workflows or processes. This API reference documentation contains the most commonly integrated resources.


This topic describes the different forms of authentication that are available in the Rebilly API, and how to use them.

Rebilly offers four forms of authentication: secret key, publishable key, JSON Web Tokens, and public signature key.

  • Secret API key: Use to make requests from the server side. Never share these keys. Keep them guarded and secure.
  • Publishable API key: Use in your client-side code to tokenize payment information.
  • JWT: Use to make short-life tokens that expire after a set period of time.

Manage API keys

To create or manage API keys, select one of the following:

For more information on API keys, see API keys.


Rebilly follows the error response format proposed in RFC 9457, which is also known as Problem Details for HTTP APIs. As with any API responses, your client must be prepared to gracefully handle additional members of the response.


Rebilly provides a JavaScript SDK and a PHP SDK to help interact with the Rebilly API. However, no SDK is required to use the API.

Rebilly also provides FramePay, a client-side iFrame-based solution, to help create payment tokens while minimizing PCI DSS compliance burdens and maximizing your customization ability. FramePay interacts with the payment tokens creation operation.

JavaScript SDK

For installation and usage instructions, see SDKs. All JavaScript SDK code examples are included in the API reference documentation.


For installation and usage instructions, see SDKs. All SDK code examples are included in the API reference documentation. To use them, you must configure the $client as follows:

$client = new Rebilly\Client([
    'apiKey' => 'YourApiKeyHere',
    'baseUrl' => '',

Get started

The full Rebilly API has over 500 operations. This is likely more than you may need to implement your use cases. If you would like to implement a particular use case, contact Rebilly for guidance and feedback on the best API operations to use for the task.

To integrate Rebilly, and learn about related resources and concepts, see Get started.

To create and manage API keys, see API keys.

Rate limits

Rebilly enforces rate limits on the API to ensure that no single organization consumes too many resources. Rate limits are applied to the organization, and not to the API key. In sandbox environment, rate limits are enforced for non-GET endpoints and are set at 3000 requests per 10 minutes. You can find the exact number of consumed requests in the X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining headers in the response. If the rate limit is exceeded, the API returns a 429 Too Many Requests response and a X-RateLimit-Retry-After header that includes a UTC timestamp of when the rate limit resets.

Download OpenAPI description
Mock server
Sandbox server{organizationId}/
Live server{organizationId}/


Use these operations to manage customers. A customer is an entity that purchases goods or services from you (a merchant), and is the payee in any transaction that is credited to you. Customers are associated with payment instruments, subscriptions, invoices, and other related resources.

In other systems, customers may be referred to as accounts, clients, members, patrons, or players. For information on the customer resource, see Resources.


Customer authentication

Use these operations to validate the identity of users and manage authentication credentials.



Use tags to organize and categorize customers or KYC documents based on keywords.


Customers timeline

Use customer timelines to maintain an audit trail of changes and activity for each customer.


Payment instruments

Use these operations to manage payment instruments. Payment instrument is a term which describes any means of making a digital payment, such as: credit cards, debit cards, direct debits, payment service providers, and digital wallets.

For more information on payment instruments, see Payment instruments.


Payment tokens

Use payment tokens to reduce the scope of PCI DSS compliance.

A payment token can be made using a different authentication scheme (public key authentication), which enables you to create a payment token directly from the browser. This bypasses the need to send sensitive cardholder info to your servers. We recommend using this with the FramePay library, which helps you integrate a form into this API resource and create payment tokens.


Create a payment token


Creates a payment token which can be exchanged into a payment instrument. FramePay is the recommended way to create a payment token because it minimizes PCI DSS compliance. Once a payment token is created, it can only be used once.

A payment token expires upon first use or within 30 minutes of the token creation, whichever comes first.


Payment token resource.


Payment method of the token.


Payment card instrument details.


Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment card. This value is required to perform a payment.


Card Verification Value (CVV/CVC) of the payment card.


Expiration month of the payment card.


Expiration year of the payment card.


Billing address object. This value is required to perform payments. For payment-card updates, billingAddress can be ignored.

riskMetadataRisk metadata (object) or null
One of:

Risk metadata used for 3D Secure and risk scoring.


Lead source information.

curl -i -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "method": "payment-card",
    "paymentInstrument": {
      "pan": "string",
      "cvv": "string",
      "expMonth": 0,
      "expYear": 0
    "billingAddress": {
      "firstName": "Benjamin",
      "lastName": "Franklin",
      "organization": "Rebilly",
      "address": "36 Craven St",
      "address2": "string",
      "city": "Austin",
      "region": "Texas",
      "country": "GB",
      "postalCode": "WC2N 5NF",
      "phoneNumbers": [
          "label": "main",
          "value": "512-710-1640",
          "primary": true
      "emails": [
          "label": "main",
          "value": "",
          "primary": true
      "dob": "1980-04-01",
      "jobTitle": "CEO"
    "id": "4f6cf35x-2c4y-483z-a0a9-158621f77a21",
    "riskMetadata": {
      "ipAddress": "",
      "fingerprint": "pIUt3xbgX3l9g3YDiLbx",
      "httpHeaders": {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        "Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8"
      "browserData": {
        "colorDepth": 24,
        "isJavaEnabled": true,
        "language": "en-US",
        "screenWidth": 1920,
        "screenHeight": 1080,
        "timeZoneOffset": 300,
        "isAdBlockEnabled": true
      "extraData": {
        "kountFraudSessionId": "abcdefg12345abababab123456789012",
        "payPalMerchantSessionId": "dd65ratxc5qv15iph3vyoq7l6davuowa",
        "threatMetrixSessionId": "dd65ratxc5qv15iph3vyoq7l6davuowadd65ratxc5qv15iph3vyoq7l6davuowa"
    "leadSource": {
      "medium": "string",
      "source": "string",
      "campaign": "string",
      "term": "string",
      "content": "string",
      "affiliate": "string",
      "subAffiliate": "string",
      "salesAgent": "string",
      "clickId": "string",
      "path": "string",
      "referrer": "string"


Token created.


Location of the related resource.

Example: ""

Total number of rate limit tokens for this request within a rate limit period. For more information, see Rate limits.

Example: 3600

Remaining number of rate limit tokens for this request within the rate limit period. For example, in the sandbox environment, rate limits for non-GET endpoints are set at 3000 requests per 10 minutes.

Example: 3600

Payment method of the token.


Payment card instrument details.


Expiration month of the payment card.


Expiration year of the payment card.

paymentInstrument.​binstring or null(bin)read-only

Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the payment card. This value is the first 6 digits of the payment card number.

paymentInstrument.​last4string or nullread-only

Last 4 digits of the Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment card.


Brand of payment card.

Enum"Visa""MasterCard""American Express""Discover""Maestro""Solo""Electron""JCB""Voyager""Diners Club"

Billing address object. This value is required to perform payments. For payment-card updates, billingAddress can be ignored.

idstring(ResourceId)<= 50 charactersread-only

ID of the token.


Specifies if the token has been used.

Default false
riskMetadataRisk metadata (object) or null
One of:

Risk metadata used for 3D Secure and risk scoring.


Date and time which is set automatically when the resource is created.


Date and time which updates automatically when the resource is updated.

usageTimestring or null(date-time)read-only

Date and time when the token is used.

expirationTimestring or null(date-time)read-only

Date and time when the token expired.

_linksArray of objects(SelfLink)read-only

Related links.

{ "method": "payment-card", "paymentInstrument": { "expMonth": 0, "expYear": 0, "bin": "string", "last4": "string", "brand": "Visa" }, "billingAddress": { "firstName": "Benjamin", "lastName": "Franklin", "organization": "Rebilly", "address": "36 Craven St", "address2": "string", "city": "Austin", "region": "Texas", "country": "GB", "postalCode": "WC2N 5NF", "phoneNumbers": [], "emails": [], "dob": "1980-04-01", "jobTitle": "CEO", "hash": "056ae6d97c788b9e98b049ebafd7b229bf852221" }, "id": "4f6cf35x-2c4y-483z-a0a9-158621f77a21", "isUsed": false, "riskMetadata": { "ipAddress": "", "fingerprint": "pIUt3xbgX3l9g3YDiLbx", "httpHeaders": {}, "browserData": {}, "extraData": {}, "isProxy": true, "isVpn": true, "isTor": true, "isHosting": true, "hostingName": "string", "isp": "string", "country": "US", "region": "NY", "city": "New York", "latitude": 0.1, "longitude": 0, "postalCode": "string", "timeZone": "America/New_York", "accuracyRadius": 0, "distance": 0, "hasMismatchedBillingAddressCountry": true, "hasMismatchedBankCountry": true, "hasMismatchedTimeZone": true, "hasMismatchedHolderName": true, "hasFakeName": true, "isHighRiskCountry": true, "paymentInstrumentVelocity": 0, "declinedPaymentInstrumentVelocity": 0, "deviceVelocity": 0, "ipVelocity": 0, "emailVelocity": 0, "billingAddressVelocity": 0, "paymentInstrumentApprovedTransactionCount": 0, "score": 0 }, "createdTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "updatedTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "usageTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "expirationTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "_links": [ {} ] }

Retrieve tokens


Retrieve a list of tokens.

limitinteger[ 0 .. 1000 ]

Limits the number of collection items to be returned.

offsetinteger[ 0 .. 1000 ]

Specifies the starting point within the collection of items to be returned.

curl -i -X GET \
  '' \


List of tokens retrieved.


Total number of items.

Example: 332

Maximum number of items per page.

Example: 100

Specifies the starting point within the collection of resource results. For example, a request with limit=20 retrieves and displays the first 20 results on a page. A following request with limit=20 and offset=20, retrieves the next page of 20 results.

Example: 2
Bodyapplication/jsonArray [

Payment method of the token.


Payment card instrument details.


Expiration month of the payment card.


Expiration year of the payment card.

paymentInstrument.​binstring or null(bin)read-only

Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the payment card. This value is the first 6 digits of the payment card number.

paymentInstrument.​last4string or nullread-only

Last 4 digits of the Primary Account Number (PAN) of the payment card.


Brand of payment card.

Enum"Visa""MasterCard""American Express""Discover""Maestro""Solo""Electron""JCB""Voyager""Diners Club"

Billing address object. This value is required to perform payments. For payment-card updates, billingAddress can be ignored.

idstring(ResourceId)<= 50 charactersread-only

ID of the token.


Specifies if the token has been used.

Default false
riskMetadataRisk metadata (object) or null
One of:

Risk metadata used for 3D Secure and risk scoring.


Date and time which is set automatically when the resource is created.


Date and time which updates automatically when the resource is updated.

usageTimestring or null(date-time)read-only

Date and time when the token is used.

expirationTimestring or null(date-time)read-only

Date and time when the token expired.

_linksArray of objects(SelfLink)read-only

Related links.

[ { "method": "payment-card", "paymentInstrument": {}, "billingAddress": {}, "id": "4f6cf35x-2c4y-483z-a0a9-158621f77a21", "isUsed": false, "riskMetadata": {}, "createdTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "updatedTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "usageTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "expirationTime": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z", "_links": [] } ]

Retrieve a token


Retrieves a token with a specified ID.


ID of the token.