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Display payment methods by location

This tutorial describes how to configure which payment methods are displayed to the customer at payment, based on their geographic location. You can also prioritize the customer's active payment methods.

This automation uses the Ready to pay requested event and the Adjust ready to pay action.

To complete this tutorial, an active gateway is required. If you are testing in the sandbox environment, a test payment gateway called TestProcessor is already configured. For more information, see Set up a payment gateway.

  1. Create an automation on the 'ready to pay requested' event:

    This step describes how to create an automation that is triggered when a customer requests to pay.

    1. In the left navigation bar, press Automations .
    2. In the Rules engine section, press Rules engine.
    3. Press Core events.
    4. Press the Ready to pay requested event.
    5. Press Rule set, then press Create rule.
    6. In the Name field, enter unique name to help differentiate between multiple rules.
    7. Optionally, to add labels that help you identify the rule: In the Labels field, add one or more labels.
    8. Optionally, to not stop further processing after this rule is executed: clear the Stop further processing checkbox.
  2. Set conditions:

    This step describes how to set conditions to filter customers based on their geographic location.

    1. In the Conditions section, clear the No conditions checkbox, and apply the following filter: 'RiskMetadata > Country' is in, then select a country.
    2. Optionally, to add more filters, press Add filter.
  3. Configure the action to adjust the payment methods displayed to the customer:

    This step describes how to configure which payment methods are displayed to the customer.

    1. In the Actions section, press Add action, then select the Adjust ready to pay action.
    2. Specify which payment methods to display when a customer requests to pay.
    3. Optionally, to display payment methods that are associated with the customer's active payment instruments at the top of the list: Select the Prioritize active payment instruments checkbox.
    4. Press Save rule.

To automatically assign a payment gateway based on customer location, and other data, see Set up payment gateway routing.