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Dynamic currency conversion

Use Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) to allow your customer to pay in their local currency and to create a transparent and convenient payment experience. You can also add a markup to the conversion rate to help increase your profit margin.

DCC is a premium Rebilly feature and comes at an additional cost. Before you use this feature, contact Rebilly.

When DCC is active on a payment gateway, an offer is made to the customer to pay in the original transaction currency or the currency that is associated with the Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the customer's payment card. In the offer, the customer can see the exchange rate, which includes the conversion markup.

DCC helps increase conversion rates by providing a more convenient and transparent payment experience that informs customers of the exact amount they will be charged in their local currency, instead of the possibly unknown conversion amount their bank may charge. DCC also helps remove conversion fees from the customer's bank statement.

DCC offers

A DCC offer is made to the customer when the following conditions are met:

  • DCC is active on the payment gateway that is selected for the payment.
  • The selected payment gateway supports the currency associated with the customer's payment card.
  • The currency associated with the customer's payment card is different from currency of the original transaction.
  • The currency associated with the customer's payment card is not in the configured list of excluded DCC currencies.
  • The cardholder is present to interact with the offer. DCC cannot be used on recurring transactions.

DCC offer example

In this example, the payment currency of the original transaction is EUR, and the Bank Identification Number (BIN) of the customer's payment card is associated with the USD currency. The gateway account is configured to offer DCC in USD, and USD is not in the excluded DCC currencies list. The conversion rate includes a markup of 10000 basis points, which is 100 percent.

Example of a DCC offer

DCC offer outcomes and payment flow

DCC uses an offsite payments flow, where the customer is redirected to approval URL where the DCC offer is displayed. The following table describes DCC offer outcomes.

Outcome Description
unknownDCC offer was made, and the customer has not yet made a selection.
selectedDCC offer was made, and the customer accepted the DCC offer.
rejectedDCC offer was made, and the customer declined the DCC offer and choose to use the original transaction currency instead.

For more information, see the outcome field of the Create a transaction API operation.

DCC markup

DCC markup is configured for each gateway account in basis points. Each basis point is 1/100th of a percent. For example, 200 basis points is the same as 2 percent. Available conversion currencies are determined based on the list of currencies that are associated with the gateway account. You can also configure currencies that must be excluded from a DCC offers.

To view DCC markup reports over a specified period of time, see View DCC markup reports.

Set up DCC

To set up DCC on an active payment gateway, see Set up a payment gateway - Configure Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC). If you have not set up a payment gateway yet, see Set up a payment gateway.

View DCC transactions

Use this process to view payment transactions where DCC was applied in data tables.

  1. In the left navigation bar, press Data tables, then press Payments.

  2. Press Sales.

  3. In the top right of the page, press Edit columns, then press Select columns.

  4. In the Select columns field, enter DCC.

  5. Select from the following DCC columns:

    • DCC offered: Specifies if DCC was offered.

    • DCC accepted: Specifies if DCC was accepted.

    • DCC markup: Amount of the DCC markup that is applied to the conversion rate. For more information, see DCC markup.

    • DCC outcome: Outcome of the DCC offer. For more information, see DCC offer outcomes and payment flow.

    • DCC base amount: Base amount of the original transaction currency.

    • DCC base currency: Original transaction currency.

    • DCC quote amount: Amount of the DCC offer in the currency associated with customer's payment card.

    • DCC quote currency: Currency of the DCC offer. This is the currency associated with the customer's payment card.

    • DCC USD markup: Amount of markup that is applied to the conversion rate and translated to USD. For more information, see DCC markup.

    • Gateway account DCC force currency: Currency to which the gateway account converted DCC transactions.

    • Gateway account DCC force rounding: Rounding amount the gateway account performs on DCC transactions.

    • Gateway account DCC markup: Amount of markup that is applied by the gateway account.

    • Gateway account excluded DCC quote currencies: Currencies that the gateway account excludes from DCC offers.

    • Has DCC: Specifies if DCC was applied to the transaction. Press Apply.
      New DCC columns are displayed in the data table.

      To arrange the columns, press Edit columns, then press Arrange columns. Drag the columns to arrange the order, then press Apply.